Saturday, July 24, 2010

רשויות הסעד אחראיות לרצח שלושת הילדים הקטנים בנתניה‬

פלג הגליל - תאגיד המים והביוב בצפת

שר הרווחה יצחק בוז'י הרצוג

המבין יבין את שפת הגוף שלו

Psychiatry is state-sanctioned, nay, state-mandated, torture for those who were indiscrete enough to allow state-sanctioned, state-mandated cruelty and injustice to drive them mad with outrage.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

TED Talk: Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks

Monday, July 19, 2010

Few things are more profoundly embarrassing and pathetic to witness than drunken Euro-gentiles trying to mount high horses of moral indignation and ride them into the camp of the Jews to the purpose of trying to best us in ethical combat.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

הזמנה להפגנה נגד הפסיכיאטר בנימין וגנר – שתתקיים ביום 19.7.10 שני, בין השעות 14:00 – 17:00

הציבור מוזהר מד"ר בנימין וגנר, פסיכיאטר, המתיימר בתואר "מומחה" המקבל מינוי מבית משפט

נוהג להפעיל מערך אימה וטרור נגד החושפים את שקריו במערומיהם.

Friday, July 9, 2010

PLEASE sign this petition to get Gilad Shalit home.

He has been held by Hamas for FOUR YEARS.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Aldous Huxley The Ultimate Revolution (1962)

In a 1962 interview Huxley discussed the increasing realization of the dystopia he described in BRAVE NEW WORLD. (BNW was written in 1932). He speaks specifically about mind control, using that term quite uninhibitedly, and refers to conferences that were held on the subject of mind control, specifically that aimed at manufacturing willingness to accept servitude by making it seem pleasant.

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962) pt.3/9

Listen very carefully to what Huxley says about children just a bit after 3:40 into this segment.

Anyone who seriously entertains any doubts that the governments of the Western world were testing us not only for IQ, but also for character traits and deciding what to do with us (if we were suggestible) and do about us (if we weren't) from very early childhood, you are sadly, sadly mistaken.

Remember: in 1953, IQ testing was mandated for all children in the school system, public and private.

Of course, the discussion begs the questions: Can those who are less suggestible be made to be more like the more suggestible? If so, how? If so, would HIQ interfere with this process? If so, can its effects be neutralized? If so, how?

He begins to answer these questions when he bring up what he calls "the pharmacological method".

The Nazis, of course, were the first to fluoridate potable water. They found that fluoride made inmates in concentration camps more docile. In higher dosages, it also makes them sterile. Conservative estimates have it that fluoridated water lowers IQ by 5 points. Others say it lowers IQ by as much as 20 points.

Huxley finds it difficult to conceal his respect for Hitler's "infernal genius". Indeed, in a strange slip of the tongue, he speaks of Hitler in the present tense in this segment. Was it because Hitler is still very much influential in his mind? Or, did he know something that those who are not scions of "elite" families and highly-positioned members of Eugenics societies didn't know?

I have been discussing the world-wide phenomenon of reduced fertility on my profile. In Israel, one in six couples have trouble conceiving. Six times more people turn for fertility treatments in Israel than in most developed nations.

The country second to Israel, with about half of our fertility problems, or about three times more that of most developed countries, is politically pesky Iceland.

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962) pt.4/9

After out-of character blathering about the harmlessness of synthesized drugs (however, omitting to mention BZ interestingly); Huxley touches on the subject of brain implants in this section, saying that it was being carried out quite widely in the case of "the hopelessly insane" (and the hopelessly and intractably trenchant, i.e., the "incorrigible"?).

In part 6, which begins the questions and answers segment of the lecture; someone asked Huxley a question concerning what Huxley terms "scientific dictatorship". "Scientific dictatorship" is an intentionally misleading misnomer. Scientists are wholly controlled by large corporations and governments (the latter being the ex officio clerical staff and security personnel of large corporations). Scientists are deluded into thinking that they are essential, but the untimely deaths of a hundred top-flight biologists over the period of a very few years show that scientists working on "top secret " research are eminently expendable.

The dictatorship may be science-based, but it isn't now, and won't be, scientist-dependent. The corporate elite are practiced in the age-old ways and means of making those they depend upon loyal.

And (I know. I know. You're not supposed to start a sentence, all the more so a paragraph, with the word 'and'. Tough noogies. I like the dramatic effect.) frankly, there are many more people with IQs in the one in 30,000 range (presumably the IQ range of most of the best mathematicians and physicists) than there are jobs in the sensitive areas of the sciences.

What is said at the beginning of the next segment is extremely important. Listen to what Huxley says about the "oligarchy" not being a domesticated species, even though they have domesticated the rest of humanity.

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962) pt.7/9

To put the lie to this rubbish, simply observe the pomp and circumstance and protocols of very strict behavior that the royal families believe they must follow, and do so to the letter. Note the strict, stylized behaviors of the secret societies. The monied elite are roped in by "corporate culture". His illusion of being untrammeled is very interesting. They cannot so much as dress inappropriately for a given occasion. While it is true that they were not trained directly by the masses, as they trained the masses; the absurdity of their situation foisted upon them unnatural limitations and stylized, wooden behaviors and norms. More to the point still, the elite are wholly dependent upon technology to control the working classes. Somehow being in the wild and natural human state and highest-tech R&D and controlling the money system don't seem to jibe.

Listen to the conversation in whispers at about 3:00 into this segment.

Is the interviewer kidding about the lack of windows in the lecture hall being part of conditioning? They don't seem to laugh after the comment.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Remember the Movie: "VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED"?

I've stated and provided links to corroborate my statements that Israel has 6X more referrals for fertility treatment per capita than any other industrialized country. One in every 6 couples in Israel find they cannot conceive without treatment. Iceland is second to Israel among the industrialized nations, with half of the Israeli figures per capita. Bear in mind that Iceland is considered politically intractable by EU and has sufferred economic "hits" in order to try to cower them into cooperation and giving up their independence to EU.

Now this is where things get bizarre: Many of the children that are born as a result of fertility treatments in Israel are platinum blonds with star blue eyes. It's starting to look like Village of the Damned here. You see couple after couple where the parents look like Jews and the kids look like Swedes or Norwegians.

I see that phenomenon a great deal among Ashkenazis, particularly among the Charedim. The Ashkenazis are the most European-looking of all Jews, yet are decidedly Semitic in their appearance. You can tell the difference between a fair haired, skinned and eyed Jew and a northern European. Also even the fairest Jews are not platinum blonds. They stay in the honey blond range and often their hair is wavy or curly and their features are Semitic.

These kids, in addition to being platinum blonds with star-blue eyes, have classically Nordic features, startling so. They look like the children produced by the Leibensborn project. I am not being allegorical. It is downright creepy and cannot be chance genetics.

It is fair to assume that this are not the phenotype that Ashkenazi Charedi Jews would choose for their children. Having children is so important to them that even if they notice that something is amiss, they won't make waves about it.

To give you a point of reference as to how off the graph of normal genetics there is: I am what you get when you cross a Jew with a Celt.

My Husband is one quarter German.

Do we look like Norwegians?

The Jews have been the target of genetic invasion throughout history. They used to do it the old fashioned way. Now rape of our People is being carried out scientifically. Now isn't that civilized and rational?

Disturbing Addendum July 20, 2010: Please also see this news article coming out of Nigeria:


Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Friday, July 2, 2010


All Orthodox Jews are the target of the "Zionists".


Notice that the special forces policemen do not look Jewish.

If this were going on in any other country, would you have a doubt in your mind that it was the acts of rabid anti-Semites?