Tuesday, May 12, 2015



OK. I'm going to do this. I'm going to post this. Yes, I'm scared to post this. Very scared. My Conscience won't let me make my own case easier by keeping silent.

The site says: "For the first time, an Israeli family that was falsely accused of trying to blow up a church in Nazareth, tortured by Israel and forced to flee to Ramallah tells its story."

I know the HAVIVI Family and I am convinced of their innocence. They are kind and gentle people who have been systematically tortured by the State of Israel and their Children have been systematically tortured. I have testified in their favor in Court. In fact, I think that there may be a connection between the fact that I testified in their favor and that I am being brought to Court on a charge of "insulting" one of the "Child Welfare Officer"s that made the lives of the Havivis hell.

They have suffered to long and too hard and they need help.

Please get this story out.
What's being done to them is WRONG.

I've lived and I've heard extreme abuse stories at the hands of the Israeli Social Services. This is the worst I've heard yet. There can be no more stories like this.


Please get this information around and do whatever you can to help this Family. They've had enough.

The State of Israel admitted that their charges against the Havivi were untrue, but they are still hounded incessantly.
Most recently, the police showed up at Haim Havivi's Mother's house and terrified her by telling her they wanted her Son and GrandSon on an emergency basis. Then they sadistically called Haim and said they have no intention of arresting him and why does he tell "lies".

Haim's wife Violet is a citizen of Poland, but she says that her passport was seized b the Israeli authorities.

PLEASE HELP THESE PEOPLE. Get this story out. PLEASE. Contact the Embassies of your countries, especially but not exclusively if you are in EU, and see if they can get protection for these people.

I've seen others hounded in Israel this is not a one time incident, but it is the worst I've seen.

Haim and his Family are hounded relentlessly. His Children are suffering more than I can stand to see. His wife Violet is broken. ENOUGH! His Mother was threatened by the police, then they said he lied. Why would he lie about something like that? He's already in deep trouble. Why would he make up a lie like that?


Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel