Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A Jew must love every other Jew as he or she loves himself or herself. But a Jew must love the Gentiles as we love our Children - because that is exactly who they are.

Our הִגויים [learning] becomes הגויים. They are the embodiment of our learning.
Our כונות [intentions] become their תכונות [attributes].
The Gentiles are brought into being by our learning.
למד = 74 = לילד
If we have nothing but good intentions for the Gentiles, they will be born with good characteristics into a world in which they can actualize their attributes and abilities.
The Goyim, who are our Children, resemble us. As were our intentions, so are they. If, God forbid, we have negative feelings for the Gentiles and with those cruel thoughts in our Hearts we sit down to learn Torah, may God protect from such things; the Gentiles who are engendered by our learning will return that and reflect that.