Sunday, December 9, 2012

Every Problem in Israel in a Nutshell

I'm going to boil down all of the problems in Israel to the main point. All the details derive from this main point.

The wealthiest, most powerful and soi-disant "royal" families like von Liechtenstein, Orsini-Rosenberg, Massimo, Borgese (Borgia), Chigi, Aldobrandini,  and the other families intermarried with them know that their "royalty" is utterly fake and was gotten as a result of brutality and intrigue.

They are obsessed with the House of David (Beit David), because they know that the House of David is the one true Monarchy. They live in terror of Beit David rising again and do everything to oppress the Jews' moral-spirituality so that Beit David won't rise again.

Over history, they have tied up the financial world such that one cannot make money without their control. They are in control of the billionaires that we hear about in the news. A number of Jews thought it prudent to intermarry with them, like David Rene de Rothschild, who is married to "Princess" Olimpia Aldobrandini. They did so on the rationale that it would be best for the Jews if some of us were in control of that money. That was a mistake. 

The heads of major Jewish corporations and the Israeli gov't are in league with this Eurotrash that pretends to royalty.

All the rest is commentary.

This video will show some photos of one of the villas of the House of Aldobrandini. Note the pagan statues and black decor. These are among the families that produce the Popes - our worst enemies.
These are the pagan low lives living the high life whose ass Netanyahu licks.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We Suffer from Moral Illness, 
Not Mental Illness

There is no such thing as "mental health or "mental illness", there is only Moral Health and Moral Illness.
 This is true even when there is an underlying organic defect, which is the etiology of the symptoms.

There are three classes of people who suffer from the various symptoms Psychoses, Neuroses and Behavioral Disorders:

1) those whose moral structure is pathological
2) those who have been traumatized by those whose moral structures are pathological to the point where they were forced to create an alternative reality in which to live or were rendered dysfunctional as a result of the trauma
3) those who are both  - the vast majority of Humanity today because we allow the morally pathological to not only run amok in society, but even lead our societies.

There is no scientific cure for Moral Illness. No pill, surgery or implant can cure moral illness. Talk therapy is effective only to the extent that it is a morally healthy interchange.

To attempt to cure moral illness with scientific methods is pseudo-science. That approach has been the preferred method of (mal and mis)treatment in Psychiatry and Psychology because those professions tend to attract many Psychopaths who quickly assume a leadership and authoritarian position in the Psych-Social Services community and steer it to their own nefarious purposes.

The first honest and effective step in eradicating the symptoms of Psychoses, Neuroses and Personality Disorders must be an intrepid treatment of Psychopathy, on every societal level.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Who Is Benjamin Netanyahu?

Netanayhu Questioned About Loyalty by Israeli Parliament

Who Is Benjamin Netanyahu? from Doreen Dotan on Vimeo.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Who Are You Benjamin Netanyahu?

Who Is Binyamin Netanayhu by Doreen_Dotan

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, November 11, 2012

 Confronting Evil at Home and In Society

The first confrontation with Psychopathy, which is the modern term for Evil, is in the home.
We, the Parents of Psychopaths, must overcome our shame, our fear, our doubts and even put our love aside, and confront the issue of having a Psychopathic child intrepidly.

Psychopathic children are first recognized by their behavior, but the presence of the Illness can be empirically verified.

It is our job to lobby Psycho-Social Services to deal with Psychopathy in Children honest, humanely and effectively.

Recommended introductory articles and videos:

Conservative estimate: 'One In 100 Children Is A Psychopath'

Psychopath in the Family

One in a hundred children are 'psychopathic', warn researchers - and they say there is nothing parents can do to control them

    Scientists say affected children lie, cheat, manipulate and commit acts of remorseless cruelty
    Traditional punishments have no effect on their behaviour

Genetics and Epigenetics affect Psychopathy

Moral “taint” still seeps along blood lines

Your environmental exposures might haunt your great-grandchildren

Bounded Empathy: Neural Responses to Outgroup Targets' (Mis)fortunes

Please see this short video by Thomas Sheridan (among his many must-see, longer videos).
A Cat Can Save Your Life - They Can Spot the Toxic People...
Your cat CAN see who is a Psychopath. When my child who is a Psychopath comes into the house my cat runs into another room and stays there, sometimes for days if the person stays over. Normally, my cat approaches even the delivery boy or someone coming to the door to solicit donations in a friendly way.

Psychopathy Confronting Evil at Home and In... by Doreen_Dotan

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Psychopathy and 
Mind Control

It is when one begins to grapple with Psychopathy that one really begins to understand Mind Control

Psychopathy and Mind Control from Doreen Dotan on Vimeo.

This is an interesting article.
I'm not at all sure the findings are exhaustive.
A person in full control of their faculties can oscillate between analysis and empathy in accordance with which quality a given situation requires or choose to turn them both on at once when need be.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Psychopathy and 
Mind Control

It is when one begins to grapple with Psychopathy that one really begins to understand Mind Control

Pscyhopathy and Mind Control by Doreen_Dotan

This is an interesting article.
I'm not at all sure the findings are exhaustive.
A person in full control of their faculties can oscillate between analysis and empathy in accordance with which quality a given situation requires or choose to turn them both on at once when need be.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Narcissists Think They Are The Center of the Universe.
The Enlightened Know It.

In order to understand business and politics, and fight their corruption, we have to get a firm grip on one fact: the people running business and government are Psychopaths and Psychopathologically Sick Narcissists. We need to understand these most pernicious brands of insanity and face the fact that we are going to have to learn how to treat them, or control them, if we are ever to live in a world fit for Human habitation.

The best way to deal with Pathological Narcissism is to understand that it is the morally lower end expression of a very deep truth that all of us are aware of, to one extent or another, depending upon our moral-spiritual development.
It is not pathological to know that You *are* the Universe, and everything in it - provided that you realize, internalize and generously celebrate the fact that this is true of everyone else as well.
This thought may seem paradoxical. But it is the achievement of an enlightened mind and the apotheosis of what F. Scott Fitzgerald meant when he said: "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."
It is not pathological to know that You *are* the Universe, and everything in it - provided that you realize, internalize and generously celebrate the fact that this is true of everyone else as well.
This thought may seem paradoxical. But it is the achievement of an enlightened mind and the apotheosis of what F. Scott Fitzgerald meant when he said: "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."
At 2:50 into the video, I was thinking about such studies as Lewis Terman's "Termites".

Narcissists Think They Are The Center of the Universe. The Enlightened Know It from Doreen Dotan on Vimeo.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Narcissists Think They Are The Center of the Universe. The Enlightened Know They Are.

Narcissists Think They Are The Center of the... by Doreen_Dotan

It is not pathological to know that You *are* the Universe, and everything in it - provided that you realize, internalize and generously celebrate the fact that this is true of everyone else as well.

This thought may seem paradoxical. But it is the achievement of an enlightened mind and the apotheosis of what F. Scott Fitzgerald meant when he said:  "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

At 2:50 into the video, I was thinking about such studies as Lewis Terman's "Termites".

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Psychopathy Vis-à-vis The Jews

The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems

This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on.

It is not trade that is the problem in the Corporate Structure. It is not religion that is the problem with organized religion. It is not social work that is the problem in the social work system. It is not the psychiatry that is the problem in the Medical Association.

It is the Organization, the System, the Association themselves - which are vulnerable to the attack of Psychopaths.

Our challenge, then, is to create Systems that are invulnerable or unattractive, or both, to Psychopathic raptors and destroyers.

To do so, we must understand what Psychopathy is, what causes it and how it is expressed to the ruin of our societies and our private lives.

This is the first part of a three-part discussion of Psychopathy, particularly vis-a-vis the Jews.

In this part I discuss Psychopathy in some Jewish families, recognizing the fact that there is a strong genetic component to Psychopathy.

In the second part I discuss the spectrum of Jewish Psychopathy and show where the Jewish scholar, the backbone of our culture fits in on that spectrum.

In the third part, I employ the Hebrew language in order to understand the depths of researchers' descriptions of the basis of Psychopathy as revealed by recent studies and experiments.

All three parts are now up and running on DailyMotion.

Psychopathy Vis-a-Vis Jews (I/III): The Jewish... by Doreen_Dotan

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel


This is the first part of a three-part discussion of Psychopathy, particularly vis-a-vis the Jews.

Jewish Psychopaths (I/III) The Jewish Family from Doreen Dotan on Vimeo.

In this part I discuss Psychopathy in some Jewish families, recognizing the fact that there is a strong genetic component to Psychopathy.

In the second part I discuss the spectrum of Jewish Psychopathy and show where the Jewish scholar, the backbone of our culture fits in on that spectrum.

In the third part, I employ the Hebrew language in order to understand the depths of researchers' descriptions of the basis of Psychopathy as revealed by recent studies and experiments.

All three parts are now up and running on Vimeo.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

הפסיכופתיים בקרבנו ובביתינו

מחקר, מבוסס על טכנולוגיה מתקדמת, מוכיח כי פסיופתיים נולדים במומים במוח
המחלה היא גנטית ותורשתית

מאז ילדותם, המוחות של פסיכופתיים לא פועלים כמו המוחות של רוב האנושות
הם אינם מסוגלים לאהב או להרגיש שאוהבים אותם. הם לא מסוגלים בעצם להרגיש רוב הרגשות המגדירים אותנו אנושיים

לפחות אחוז אחד של האנושות פסיכופתיים - מאז ילדותם. יש הטוענים כי הרכוז יכול להגיע עד 6% של האוכלוסיה הכללית

נפלה טעות: אמרתי סרטון כי מדובר בעשירית האוכלוסיה כללית. הייתי צריכה לאמר מאית

על החברה להיות כנה ואמיצה ולהתחיל להתמודד עם התופעה
ולדעת איך להתגונן מפני פסיכופתיים בחברה - ואף במשפחה

האם הילד שלך פסיכופת?
הנוירו-קרימינולוג אדריאן ריין טוען שניתן לזהות את הסימנים המקדימים כבר בגיל שלוש. אבל האם הייתם מעזים לבדוק את הילד שלכם?
סדני הינגסטון

אתר של שמואל (סאם) וקנין

ב-26:00 הייתי צריכה לאמר רבי יוחנן, לא יונתן

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ronny Edry -- Designing a vision of peace

Published on Oct 18, 2012 by
Ronny Edry talks about a peace movement he created by simply designing a poster. As a graphic designer, he often uploads images he created to Facebook. One night, he decided that the escalating war of threats between the Israeli and Iranian governments had reached its peak and he wanted to send a new message: Iranians, We Love You. The movement that began as a poster has now turned into a global image protest, with Iranians, Israeli and others using the power of social media to send their governments a new message of peace.

Ronny is a graphic designer, an illustrator and a teacher. He grew up in Paris, France and has been living in Israel since 1989. Ronny graduated with honors from the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, and has since been a permanent staff member teaching Visual Communication at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, and formerly at the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design.

Ronny works as a designer and is the acclaimed author of several graphic novels. He is the owner and founder of "Pushpin", a Preparation School for the art and design academies and has received awards for his works as a graphic designer, in addition to taking part in numerous art exhibitions.

Ronny has always been involved with social issues and political media and has been a constant voice in the conversation on many topics with the bold social awareness posters, that he's come to be known for. An international exchange of posters, between Israelis, Iranians, Palestinians, Jordanians and more has spiraled and gained speed, with an average of 2 million visitors daily to the Facebook page; bus-side ads of the "We don't want to die in your war" campaign are running on 70 buses in Tel Aviv for three weeks in October, 2012.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Israeli Social Workers Destroy the Family 
- עו''סיות בארץ הורסות את המשפחה

Highly Recommended video

סרטון ממולץ מאד

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Psychopathic Children and Their Parents

Psychopathic Children and Their Parents by Doreen_Dotan

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." -- John Lennon

One of the most painful and trying experiences one will ever  as a parent  is being the parent of a psychopathic child. The struggle never ends - and heightens when the psychopathic child himself or herself becomes a parent.

This phenomenon exists and it is high time we recognized it for what it is.

I recommend the work of Sam Vaknin. This video that he made is most relevant to my current video topic:
Children Psychopaths? Conduct Disorder

Please see:
Psychopath in the family

This article is also very informative:
Conservative estimate: 'One In 100 Children Is A Psychopath'

Also see:
Deconstructing myths about psychopaths: What are they really like?

"Not only do psychopaths lack emotions of conscience and empathy, but research has shown that individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) are also indifferent to the threat of physical pain and to punishment in general. Without fear of punishment, there is little to deter the psychopath from committing criminal acts, if those acts represent the fastest route to gratification (Hare 1999)."

This is true from the time they are children.
A child who is more than willing to undergo punishment or lose something if that is what it takes to hurt someone else, is your budding psychopath. I think that is THE determining symptom.

"There have been numerous, intensive programs designed to rehabilitate incarcerated psychopaths, and according to Dr. Hare, no program has yet proven to be effective. He notes that, in many cases, therapy can even help psychopaths hone their manipulative skills. His recommendation -- we all should educate ourselves about psychopaths in order to better recognize and avoid these predators (Black 1999, Hare 1999)." ibid

There is a very strange dynamic between the Psychopathic child and his/her Parents.
They are so outrageous and outraging that they force us to delve into the outer reaches of our consciousness in order to find solutions.
So, they serve a purpose.

HOWEVER, to say that the existence Psychopathy produces a positive effect and is therefore a necessary and sufficient condition for delving into the outer reaches of consciousness is specious logic.
There are better and certainly more salubrious ways of doing the same thing.
We tolerate Psychopathy because the Psychopaths in generations gone by have conditioned us to believe that pain is the necessary price we must pay for moral/spiritual depth and advancement.

There is another reason why many of us tolerate Psychopathy - many of us secretly or not so secretly admire them and wish we were more like them. They are our Superheros.

To deal with Psychopathy head on, honestly and courageous is to rid the world of pernicious mythology and will contribute greatly to eradicating pseudo-mysticism.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Psychopathic Children and their Parents

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." -- John Lennon

One of the most painful and trying experiences one will ever as a parent is being the parent of a psychopathic child. The struggle never ends - and heightens when the psychopathic child himself or herself becomes a parent.

This phenomenon exists and it is high time we recognized it for what it is.

Psychopathic Children and their Parents from Doreen Dotan on Vimeo.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, October 7, 2012


שואלים: צום ביום הכפורים- האם הוא מכפר?

יהודי טוב חילוני שאל האם אנו באמת חושבים שהצום ביום הכפורים מכפר על חטאים

האמת היא, רוב הדתיים שצמים ביום הכפורים לא מבינים את הענין די הצורך ויש מקום בהחלט להבהיר את הענין

כמו שמלמדים אותנו - ורובנו לא מקבלים את האמרה כפשוטה: יום הכפורים הוא יום כ-פורים, דהיינו כמו פורים.

אם מבינים את יום הכפורים נכון, הוא היום הכי *שמח* בשנה

הצום, ויתר ההנאות הפיזיות מהן אנו נמנעים ביום הכפורים, עוזרים לנו להפשיט את התחפושות ולראות מי אנחנו באמת.

אנו צמים ונמנעים מדברים פיזיים אחרים, שלא נהיה מעוסקים עם דברים אחרים, אלא בשמחה האלקית בלבד

הצום משחרר את הגוף להנות מדרגות של שמחה לאין ערוך יותר גבוהות מההנאה באוכל

לא הצום מכפר על חטאים - אלא השמחה האדירה. אם לא שמחנו בחגנו, לא כפרנו

מי שלא מלמד את ענין יום הכפורים כך לא מבין את הענין ועליו לשתוק ולא לקלקל דבר אדיר, נעלה וקדוש ולא להבריח יהודים טובים מחוויה אלקית וטהורה

רק כשיהודי/ה מגיע לרמה של שמחה אלקית הגוף שלו/ה מרטט בעצמה שמגרשת את העצב והשחיתות מהעולם  - זהו הכפור

דעו כי כל הדברים השליליים בעולם נובעים אך ורק מהיהודים. כשאנו עצובים ומדוכאים  העולם עצוב וחשוך. ורק שמחתנו המעודנת בקדושה יכולה לתקן את העולם

אני תומכת בפעילות פוליטית כי אני יודעת שהיא שלב הכרחי בדרך אל השמחה כי היא שלב של בטוי רצון לעולם יותר טוב

אבל, אני גם יודעת כי כל פעיל/ה י/תגיע למסכנה כי כל פעילות הפוליטית לא מועילה כלום

כשהם מבינים זאת, החלשים נהיים מאוישים וציניים

החזקים והטובים ביותר ישאלו את עצמם: אז מה כן אפשר לעשות?
הם יגידו: אני לא מוותר/ת על החזון של עולם צדק ועולם של שמחה!

והתשובה לשאוליתם היא: להרבות בשמחה! רק רטטים של שמחה הנובעים מהגופים ומהמוחות של יהודים שמחים בשמחה אלקית, שמחה שלא תלויה בשום דבר, אלא שהיא הסיבה הראשונה, של כל יציר, מגרשים את הרטטים של דכאון  גורמים לחומר להיות ברמות נמוכותה ומעצבים צורות מכוערות

אם זאת, עלינו להבין כי כל עוד אנו חוטאים, אנו לא יכולים להיות שמחים

ה' אומר לחוטא: סלחתי את מה שעשית לי, כדי לתת לך התחלה חדשה להטיב

אמנם, יום הכפורים אינו מכפר על החטאים שאנו עושים זה לזה. עלינו לתקן אותם - ועד שנתקן אותם, אנו בהכרח עצובים

האדם הנכנס ליום הכפורים בלי כוונות לשמור את שנת השמטה, לרבות השמטת חובות,  כדת וכדין - אין לו שום תקווה וכל תפילותיו אל ה' יתברך כאילו החריב חזיר על המזבח

בברכות חגים, זמנים, מועדים, עצרות ונצחים לשמחה, לששון, לדיצה, לעלץ, לרינה ולגילה !

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת