Thursday, January 12, 2012

לא סטרא אחרא, אלא הצד השני

הצד השני = הצד הנשי

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

תקון השטן - התקון האחרון

סוד תיקון השטן הוא לדעת כי המצוה הגדולה אינה להשתדל להיות בשמחה - אלא, לעזור לשמח אחרים ולשמוח בשמחתם

היודעים סוד זה משתחררים מכל צער, יגון, ופחד לעולם ועד

הם חיים בשמחה ומשוש כל ימי חייהם - גם בעולם הזה
וגם לעולמי עולמים ולנצח נצחים

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Birth and Delivery of a New World  
The Kabbalistic Perspective

This is a continuation of my video The Birth and Delivery of a New World, which spoke about the physical and social aspects.

This is the same subject from the Supernal perspective of the Kabbalah.

I am choosing the key words that I am because I hope this video finds its way among the videos on those topics. The people who make those videos are the ones I most pray will see this.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Birth and Delivery of a New World

While it would seem that the powers that be want to create a new world order, what is actually happening is far more cataclysmic and wonderful - the birth of a new world.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Sunday, January 1, 2012


"The placenta and fetus may be regarded as a foreign allograft inside the mother, and thus must evade from attack by the mother's immune system."

That is why the support system we are on is experienced not only as limiting, but actually inimical. We experience a government and business world that, while providing us with a support system is decidedly malevolent.
The placenta is well along in its breakdown process at the end of gestation. It is extensively calcified.
That is what we are experiencing now with the "support system" we are on. It is breaking down.
It won't be expelled until *after* the birth.
Superconception in mammalian pregnancy can be detected and increases reproductive output per breeding season

Babies also remember consciously the big event of birth itself, at least during the first years of their lives. Proof of this comes from little children just learning to talk. Usually around two or three years of age, when children are first able to speak about their experiences, some spontaneously recall what their birth was like. They tell what happened in plain language, sometimes accompanied by pantomime, pointing and sound effects. They describe water, black and red colors, the coming light, or dazzling light, and the squeezing sensations.

Does the fetus release a hormone which starts the birthing process?

Yes it does. The fetus is responsible for the initiation of parturition by triggering a cascade of complex endocrine/biochemical events that will take a little long to discuss here. However, the fetal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis is responsible for the initiation of parturition. When gestation reaches it's conclusion or termination period, the fetus approaches the inherent space of limitations of the uterine cavity. As a result, it is believed that it becomes stressed, and this stress causes the fetal anterior pituitary to release adrenal corticotropin (ACTH). ACTH stimuales the fetal adrenal cortex to produce corticoids. The elevation of fetal corticoids initiates a cascade of events that cause dramatic changes in the endocrine condition of the dam, involving two major events: 1) removal of the myometrial "progesterone block" enabling myometrial (uterine muscle) contractions to begin and 2) increased reproductive tract secretives, particularly by the cervix.

Read more:

Although it is never pleasant, it is necessary for the support system (placenta) we are on to begin to degrade. This happens in conjunction with our being developed enough to be able to survive in the next world, much bigger and larger than the last, into which we are being born.

As the birth process approaches, the baby's development sends signals to the womb to begin the process of breaking down the support system. The degrading support system makes the baby feel that the need to get off that dying support system is not only desirable, but imperative.

Then the contractions begin. Pressure from all sides - increasing in intensity and frequency.

The world seems to be coming to an end. The baby is sure s/he is in terrible danger. The baby has no idea that its own advanced development is what is signalling all these upheavals to occur - so that the baby may be born.

In this world, the UN, governments and the business world are the placenta. If we understand what is happening, the shocks are no less shocks and the pressure no less pressure. But we understand that we are being born into a bigger and better world, not dying.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel