Sunday, October 29, 2017


עמלק - חכמת הספק

עמלק = 240 = ספק = פני המלכה
= עיני המלכה = הקהל המלכה
= ההוד וההדר = יהוה ירד = יהוה טהר
= אנחנו גוי יהוה ועד

עמלק חכמת הספק

מרים = 850 = עמלק עמך = תמתי
= תכלת = שתי עיני = הקהל שריר

החכמה היא לדעת במה להטיל ספק. לעולם להטיל ספק בפרוש התורה שלילי או עצוב


נפטר = 339 = כל פטר = שלט
 השלד = דוד רעה = 
הרבנים לא פרשו את המונח נפטר נכונה


אין מושג "מות", כפי שאנחנו מפרשים את המונח, בתורה בכלל

מות = 446 = האמת = תמו = וינפש = היא כל ממש
= היא כל ישע

יומת = 456 = ימות = תנו = אדם קדמון = 1455 = 456
= מקום אדם בארץ = 2454 = 456 = אתה כל = אתה היה יהיה
= את כלה = שתי עיניה פקוחות

מתים = 1050 = 51 = תמים = אמי

למות = 476 = עתו

יש רק האמת והמצוה להיות תמים. הרבנים פרשו את המונח האמת כ-מות והעם האמינו בהם. מאז רובנו משוכנעים כי אנחנו וכל חי חייבים למות. אז הסבורים כך מתים כי אין בלבם שום ספק כי עליהם למות. האמונה בוראת את המציאות. אולם, התורה מלמדת כי על כלנו למצוא את האמת ולהיות אמתיים. אם היינו משוכנעים בכל מאדנו כי היעד שלנו הוא למצוא את האמת ולהיות אמתיים, היינו חיים לעד. הרבנים פרשו את התורה באופן מעוות והביאו את המות על העולם. הם הביאו את ההתאבדות אל העולם. ההתאבדות היא איסור מוחלט. אם נחזור לפרושי התורה הנכונים נחיה לנצחים כמנצחים

Saturday, October 28, 2017


There is no doubt about the fact that we Jews have a foreign element within our population that is not morally capable of of living according to true Torah. But this is not something that goes back to the time of the conversion of the Khazars. It goes back to the exodus from Egypt. The Khazars were converted by rabbis who were willing to make concessions.

According to genetic testing my family is not of Ashkenazi origin, though my Family arrived in America from Poland, but much, much older. My Mother was specifically asked about her origins when she was ill and the doctors did in-depth blood testing on her. They said they never saw a strain of Jewish blood that pure in North America. They told her she had blood like she stepped out of the Middle East yesterday. With that, my Mother's Family is morally divided. Very, very few of them are capable of living according to true Torah. Most of them are Jew-ish. So, it's not a matter of simple genetics and conversions 1000 years ago. It goes way way deeper than that.

I don't believe any real Jew would be able to accept the Talmud without question, at least in their own heart. I never accepted the Talmud. I could always see that it is skewed and the interpretations if Torah of the rabbis are not that of honest students. But the discipline imposed in the yeshivot is very strong and many boys are sexually abused to break their spirit and make them compliant and self-doubting. The population of the state that masquerades as Israel comprises a Jew-ish majority and a true Hebrew minority who are all persecuted and prosecuted because they are genuinely moral people despite the best efforts of the gov't of the state that purports to be Israel's efforts to destroy us morally in every way possible.

About 80% of "the Palestinians" are genetic Hebrew who were forced to convert to Islam. There may be more true Hebrews among the Palestinians than there are in the "State of Israel".

The rabbis went so far as to assign meanings to Hebrew words as they taught them that are not in line with the true, original intent and discovering the real meanings of the Hebrew terms in Torah is painstaking work.

All of Christianity is based on the false definitions and interpretations of the rabbis. Everything you have been taught about HaMashiach is based on the intentionally misleading wrong definitions and translations of the rabbis. So, don't imagine that Christianity is a clarification of the misinterpretations of the rabbis. It is entirely based on the rabbis twisted interpretations and wrong definitions and you do not have access to the original Hebrew texts and tradition of Prophetic interpretation that the Jews have. So, it's not like Christianity is an improvement on the rabbis' teachings. It is entirely dependent on the rabbis skewing what Mashiach really is.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Israeli Mother and Blogger LORI SHEM TOV, who was exposing Child Trafficking in Israel after having her Children stolen by Israeli Social Workers, was told that, in addition to be incarcerated [in isolation for about a month]; she'll be sued so bad she'll have to sell a kidney.
The social worker who said that told her she'll sell her kidney to set him up in his retirement.
She is brought to all hearings in handcuffs and leg irons, though she committed no violent crime.
All she did was BLOG and take part in legal demonstrations.

Friday, October 20, 2017


To all those lost in translation:

wow. Yet again, I was reading some of the really and sincerely anti-Semitic, oops I mean anti-Zionist, comments one sees in the internet every day.
For the information of those who are willing and able to be deprogrammed: It is the People of Israel who are occupied in the state that calls itself Israel. That state is what Theodor Herzl called "the final solution". It is supposed to put an end to Jewish morality and the true Torah once and for all. 80-90% of "the Palestinians" are Hebrews who were forcibly converted to Islam and some to Christianity as well. See the research of Tsvi Misinai.
It's not working though. What is actually happening is that the real Jews are coming out of the trance of the Babylonian Talmud (which was written by the same rabbinic heretics and renegades who wrote the intentional mistranslations of HaBrit HaChadash that you know as "the new testament") and we are returning to true Torah and the true Land of Israel. Those mistranslations are the "template" of the corrupted Earth we have been living on. When they are pronounced, the vapor of your breath becomes the concrete reality, the obdurate horror we have been living. We are few, but HaShem is with us.We are returning to the learning of genuine Torah and, in so doing, the breath we breathe is creating the Earth that God is God's original Vision of Earth.
All of the lies are about to be cleared away, the thick crust that was laid over the Land of Israel (the Talmud and "the new testament") and both being broken up and the true Brit HaChadashah - renewed Terra (Torah made into actual Land) is about to be revealed in all its holy pristine purity. In this Generation, the rectification of all of the Generations is even now taking place and you can enjoy it and live in Heaven on Earth eternally or be plowed under. Free will is granted. That is the true Tziyyon. That is what you are never supposed to know is real Torah and that is why you've been taught to blaspheme and curse Tziyyon with all of your ignorant hate speech about Zion.
The breath of hatred that issues from your own mouth and nostrils creates impenetrable barriers between you and the Holy Land that is even now begin revealed. You will be lost in the floods and volcanoes if you continue to hate. Earth is renewing herself and becoming a fitting Mirror for God. The abstract, spiritual principles and ideals that once existed only in Heaven are becoming terra firma - actual, physical Torah.
If you do not contribute to that purification, if you hate and speak ill of true Israel to whom you own every moral thing you have ever learned, if you do not admit that in every generation morality has only continued to exist because of a few moral Jews who kept the world from being sunk in mire - you will be lost in the mistranslation of your "new testament" and you will be erased. Have mercy on yourselves and stop blowing ill wind all over your creation. You will reap the whirlwind and wind up in FEMA camps. You already are.
I don't expect you all to be able to understand what I am saying to you, which is true Torah as only a few Jews in every generation are able to see it - but at least stop hating and recognize the pure Jews when you see them.

You owe your very existence to them. Know this for a certainty. They are your Yeshuah. There is no other.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


האור מכל השמשות = 1353 = 354 = שמטה
= עם ישראל יודע אליהו = אליהו נולד עם ישראל
 עם ישראל מוליד אליהו
שנת = 750 = מקים = פעם = קים אבותיכם = 1749 = 750
שנות = 756 = נו"ן = נשות = כל עולם = יוצרת כל

שנות שמטה = 1110 = 111 = אל”פ = פלא = ממלא = עולה
  כסא יהודה = יהוה פה =

Friday, October 13, 2017


BINGO! This is the secret of Forgiveness. Those who forgive others moral debts have their debts paid annulled. All economic debt is moral debt. Forgive and our debts are forgiven and we are freed.

This is why there can be no compromise with keeping the Mitzvot of the Sabbatical and Jubillee years. All debts must be forgiven. No loopholes. No doing figure 8s in the air to interpret. This Commandment is written and interpreted *as is*.

Our Realities are composed entirely of the meanings that we assign to words. The meanings we hear depend upon our Hearts.


Our Reality, based on our interpretation of the words we hear, which, in turn, is based entirely upon our moral level, is our Firstborn. Every subsequent Child born to us will be born in the House in which our Firstborn is already present - our Reality.

This is why we have been adjured again and again and again to purify our Hearts. All the blood that flows to our Eyes and our Ears flows from the Heart. If that blood is not pure, is not moral, everything we see and hear is distorted and tainted and all of our understandings are blurred and distorted.

The purification of our Hearts is the purification of all Earth - and beyond.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


המשמעויות ששמענו כשלמדנו מלים קובעות את ממשויותינו. ממשויותינו הן פרושינו, בהם אנו משוכנעים. פרושינו תלויים ברמות המוסר שלנו


למִלה עבד יש משמעות שלילית לרֻבנו


עבד = 76 = מלאה = מתמצקות = 1075 = היכולה
 לב לבבי = זבד נביא = נביא זבד = יהוה כל =

יכולנו לשמוע את כל המשמעויות ההן של המִלה עבד. אולם, רֻבנו *בחרנו* במשמעות שלילית. היינו משוכנעים שהפֵרוש שלנו הוא הנכון היחיד והוא הפך למציאות ממשית ומוצקת, דהיינו הנכונה שלנו

פֵרושי המשמעויות בהם אנחנו משוכנעים קובעים את הפרושים שלנו על התורה! המפרש את המֻנחים בתורה באופן שלילי בהכרח יפרש את התורה באופן שלישי ולא יבין כלל וכלל את המצות

כל גבולות ארץ ישראל = 2139 = 141 = מצוה = קולה
= חג צהלה = ארץ גאלה = 1140 = 141

המצות = 541 = ישראל = מצאתי = אמך = שרה לאה
 אהל שרה = אהל הלכה למעשה = אלה החקים העליונים
 1540 = 541 = הממלכות = יוצר המצק = 

המציאות = 552 = בנך = כל בשר = בשר כל

המציאות שלנו היא בננו. היא יליד פנימיותנו. כל ילודה שלנו אחריכן היא אל תוך הילודה הראשונה שלנו - המציאות בה אנחנו חיים. דעו זאת והבינו את שלוחות אמת זאת.

עלינו להוליד וללדת מציאויות יפות, נעמיות וטובות וזאת תלויה ברמת המוסר שלנו. יהוה הזהיר אותנו לנהוג בטהרת המִדות שלא נברא מציאויות מכוערות.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


We Jews need to get something clear that too many "rabbis" have distorted for many generations.
We Jews have a JOB here on Earth. We are HaShem's representatives. We are the embodiment of Torah. AND we are the Guardians of God's Garden - and that means our JOB is to see to it that the Creation is Heaven on Earth for the Gentiles. That's right. Get it straight. Our JOB is to see that the Gentiles are HAPPY and HEALTHY and SAFE by keeping the Moral Ecology of the Creation pristine.

There has to be absolute ZERO TOLERANCE for degenerate behavior among Jews. No explanation. No sentimentality. No excuses. No false sense of identification or responsibility. No fear.
Any Jew who acts in contravention of this sullies God's Name, brings the authority of Torah into question and puts every Jew at risk because we claim to be One People.

Pedophiles, Child Traffickers' Sexual Predators and those who enable them need TREATMENT for their moral handicaps. They are moral cripples and all handicapped people need special care and equipment to deal with their handicap but they also need to be called out for what they are without apology.

They are sick. They need MORAL TREATMENT, not punishment. It is our responsibility to see that all of the morally ill get effective, humane treatment. But sexual predators and those who supply them absolutely cannot be protected and we absolutely cannot have any false ideas about loyalty. This is not being a מלשין. This is about doing our JOB faithfully.

Monday, October 2, 2017

סכות דוד
מ"ם = 640 = פסקת = ספקת = עיניך = שמש = עיני סכות דוד = היהודים  = בברית יהוה = אנחנו פה בבית יהוה = חזק סכה בבית הקדושים =
640 = 1639 =

פרוש הדברים: אנחנו בונים את הבנותינו, פרשנותנו ופרושינו על התורה שלנו במהירות -כמו סכה. בילדותנו אחנחו בטוחים כי הבנו את הנאמר לנו נכונה והבנו את משמעויות המונחים בתורה. אבל, האמת הוא: ההבנות הראשונות שלנו אינן עמוקות במיוחד. הם הפרושים של ילדותנו. במהלך החיים, אנו רואים דברים המבלבלים אותנו ומכאיבים לנו ואנחנו מתחילים להטיל ספק בה' ובתורה. חכמים מבינים כי עלינו להטיל ספק בפרשנות שלנו, במבט שלנו. אולי לא הבנו את דברי ה' נכונה בשמיעה הראשונה. אולי הראיה שלנו שטחית ואנו רואים באור די חלש ומפוזר הלא חודר אל מעמקים. הרה, רובנו איננו רואים דרך חפצים. אנחנו רואים את השטח וחושבים כי "ככה זה". המוסגל להטיל ספק בראיה של עצמו, בהבנותיו ובפרושיו יזכה לראיה יותר עמוקה באור יותר ממוקד וחודר וידע כי כל התורה היא אמת מוחלטת - אך עלינו להבינה נכונה, בשליטה עצמית של מבוגרים ואף של זקנים ולא כילדים חסרי שליטה על רגשותיהם ומחשבותיהם

בחג סכות אם נבין כי בנינו את השקפות העולם שלהם בחפזון - כסכות, נזכה לבנות השקפת עולם יותר שריר. החג הנצחי מתחיל כאשר אנחנו מתחילים לפרק את סכות השקפות העולם הארעיות שלנו ובונים את בית המקדש - השקפת העולם האלהית

!חגים וזמנים ומועדים לשמחה ולששון