Known to the
I highly recommend this free, on-line book to anyone who has any interest in the problems surrounding Social Work.
It is a compendium of articles written by a number of Anarchist and Radical Social Workers.
Reach out to them as sources of critical information and all-around allies in your struggle against Social Work Corruption.
I highly recommend this free, on-line book to anyone who has any interest in the problems surrounding Social Work.
It is a compendium of articles written by a number of Anarchist and Radical Social Workers.
Reach out to them as sources of critical information and all-around allies in your struggle against Social Work Corruption.
"Some of the most damaged people are in positions of social work authority...(pg. 52)....I found in my experience that some of the upwardly mobile career women were the worst for this carrying on barely concealed vendettas against other female clients and social workers who disagreed with their decisions. All in the name of 'professional decision' (pg 83). [sic]"
"So brazen are the managers, that social work is called 'Cash-Led', and 'Best Value'...the client is not only neglected but actually violated by this system." (pg. 54)
Newns writing about one of his bosses: (He) knew how I felt about doing Sections - that is removing someone's person liberty by law. He would wait till I was on duty, and 'save' a child abuse investigation just for me, and 'order' me to remove the child. I was quite prepared to use this authority when no other means was available, but it was so often the case that statutory power was invoked as an exercise in arse covering, because of lack of imagination or risk-taking. "(pg. 60)
The above quotes were excerpted from ANARCHISTS IN SOCIAL WORK - Known to the Authorities' "Anarchist Ideas in Action, by Mark A. Newns.
Newns, now retired, was a long-time Anarchist and Social Worker.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel