Saturday, January 24, 2015

This is another shining example of how the government of the State of Israel treats Jews in this country as though we are biological waste material.
It cannot be that a country targets a group of people as an "enemy population" and doesn't treat its citizens like shit. The "enemy population", which is heard about in the news, is always a cover-up for how the citizens are being treated and no one cares because they think of the citizens of the country as occupiers. The citizens of any occupying country should be looked at carefully. They are the ones that their government is really targeting. The stuff in the news is smokescreen. I'm not saying that the Palestinians are not really a targeted people. They are. But they are targeted primarily to demoralize the Jews by making us into soldiers and to cover the fact that our lives mean nothing to the foreign-controlled, foreign-loyal, anti-Semitic government occupying the Holy City of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

And the government is trying to entice Jews frightened out of their wits come to here with promises of "protecting" them. Not on my watch.

#StateOfIsrael #Israel #Poverty #Housing #Aliyah #HousingAuthority #Jews #France #Britain #Europe