Thursday, February 26, 2015


Where, indeed, is the Justice?

I don't hate the Social Workers anymore. I see their extreme pain and my question is: How do We fix this? Yes, it is possible to reach that level of Compassion. We reach it when we look at ourselves without any blinders.
Of course the suffering of the Children and Parents occupies my Mind and my Heart. Of course it does. That should be understood without saying.
But I realize that it is a greater Moral-Spiritual challenge to help people who have done terrible evil than to help their victims, who arouse Compassion far more easily and widely.
I feel the same about business people who aren't doing business cleanly and equitably and I feel this way about politicians.
The Soul of someone who has caused a Mother to commit suicide is in immeasurably greater trouble than the Soul of the person who committed suicide. The same is true of someone who caused someone to be povertized and someone who caused another suffering.
When we look unflinchingly into our own History and face the suffering we have caused, we realize that those who cause suffering need Redemption desperately and we have no right to ask for the Compassion that we will not offer another.
When we look into our own Souls without excuses and without defense mechanisms, we see that those who outrage us most are those who have done what we have done - just on a larger or more extreme scale.
I'm not calling Evil anything other than what it is. I'm saying that the Evil have to be redeemed to - and that is the greatest Moral-Spiritual Challenge of all - and must be met for the Redemption of the Creation.
I know the reaction is: Let them go to hell!
The trouble is: We are One. If You consign them to hell, You go with them. And We All know it.
I also know that Time is not a vector of sequential events, as it appears in our pedestrian consciousness and that all of our Souls are on Trial NOW. At that level of understanding, we also see our essential Oneness. It's not just words or something I've read from others. I see it. And that is why I no longer scream condemnations at others. I know I condemn my Soul too thereby.
I want us ALL redeemed. All of us.

So, the answer to this question is: The Justice is hiding in his or her robes from Himself or Herself. When will You come forth?

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Psychopaths Seem Demonic

In order to understand what Psychopaths really are, and why they appear to have a demonic power of us, it is important to know the etymology of the word demon.
The Hebrew word Dimayon means Likeness and Imagination.
Two of the English etymons for the Hebrew Dimayon are demon and dominion.
When our Imaginations are not under our control, we are not in a state of Dominion over our minds. As in any Kingdom, if the ruling monarch is absent or incapable of ruling, chaos and various bids for power reign.
A imagination of any person who has not get gotten control of their Dimayon - that is: their Imagination, their ability to assume various Forms in creation and their Dominion over creation - will conjure up all kinds of challenges which they will have to face. Those challenges will push them to whatever limits are necessary to get us in control of our Minds and our Emotions.
Your Imagination will surely take on the forms of all kinds of "Psychopaths" that will present themselves to you in all kinds of guises and will reveal themselves, after you have fallen for the ruse, as something very different than what they presented themselves to you as. Knowing now that your own imagination is conjuring up the Psychopaths you encounter, is it any wonder they are exactly what you think you want, that they uncannily know just how to push your most sensitive buttons, that they know just what to say to you and when? Is it any wonder that they will know just how to disappoint you to cause you maximum emotional and cognitive havoc? The resulting devastation of your worldview, your image of yourself and the feeling that you can't trust anything, including your judgement, will first drive you to despair. If you are strong, you'll begin to recollect yourself silver by sliver and reconstruct yourself. In that process you will realize your power to construct and reconstruct Yourself - and in so doing you will ascent to the Throne of Your Dominion - you will gain control over Your Mind and Your Emotions and You will realize that You are the Creator.
So, thank the Psychopaths who showed up in your Life for kicking Your butt. Better yet, thank YourSelf for showing up at your door in the form of those Psychopaths. You've begun to learn to recognize YourSelf even in deep and various disguise.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


הזוכה הוא הזכאי

זוכה = ל"ח = 38 = זכאי = לבו
= לאהב = לאגד = זה הויה = הוא הויה
= הויה בי = הויה בטא = הוא כל בית ישראל יחד
= 1037 = 38 = לב שופטים

ז + חולם = 651 = האלהים = כל אם

כ + סגול + ה = 124 = יהי גופי
= עלץ ענג = 1123 = 124

זכוי = 43 = גדול = גיל = הזוכה = הזכאי

זכוי לכל = 123 = זכוי ועד = ענג

דין = 714 = עולם הבא = זוכה לאלהים
= זכאי לאלהים  = שחרור
= עם בלבי = כל ימי חייך בלבי
= לבי הויה אלהים = לבי כל בית ישראל יחד לדורות
= 1713 = 714 = הוא שבת = עמך לעד = דרות לעד
= כל חייך לעד

כלנו, כל בית ישראל יחד מכל דור ודור, כבר בבית דין של מעלה - שהוא פרוזדור  עולם הבא. במוחין קטנות, הזמן נראה כרצף. אולם, האמת היא, שהכל קורה בו-זמני. לכן, אנו כבר בעתידנו. הזכוי של כל אחד מאתנו תלוי בזכוי של כל בית ישראל - כי הזוכה הוא גם הזכאי. השופט הוא גם השפוט. הבה נזכה זה את זה כבר ונעלה הלאה. כל עוד אנו לא מזכים זה את זה הדיונים ממשיכים ואנו לא מרשים זה את זה לצאת מאולם הדין, דהיינו מהרמה הכי נמוכה של עולם הבא. הבה נסלח זה לזה ונעלה למדורים היותר גבוהים.


I've been a Revolutionary all my life. As a Child I couldn't stand injustice or even lesser unfairness of any kind. Seeing injustice and unfairness would drive me wild with outrage. I began to read subversive literature was I was all of ten years old.

By the time I was a young adult, being a Rebel was who I was. It was the part of me I took the most pride in. It was an expression of my courage. I was also kind of glamoured by the thought of being thought of as a bad ass.

For decades, I waited hopefully for people to wake up en masse and become Rebels, as I was. I was sure that would bring about The Revolution. And then it happened.  People began to wake from the coma of unknowing and the lethargy of apathy. "The Truth Movement" came into being. Video after video was made exposing corruption. People began to demonstrate en masse. I was filled with Hope. The Revolution would come about at last!

So, when I saw that rebellion was not having the desired effect, I was not only dismayed; I felt my Identity shaken to the core. All my Hopes were dashed as I saw businesspeople and politicians digging their heels in and keeping the rebellion at bay. I saw the desire to Revolution easily recuperated into something trendy and ineffectual. I saw that the "truth movement" was nothing more than an expression of latent anti-Semitism as exemplified in the "Occupy" movement, the name of which was a pot shot at Israel and I saw that the irony of the fact that they were already occupying "New York" and "Queensland" and "New Brunswick" was completely lost on them.

So, I asked God: Now what do I do? Give up? Just accept slavery and atrocities as part of Life? I can't do that!

Little by little the ability to see people in positions of wealth, power and influence seemingly immeasurably greater than my own as sad and frightened Souls began to bud in my heart. I came to be able to see that anyone who would vie for influence that desperately, beg for the attention of the public in the most outrageous ways, would steal from the indigent and make deals with any and all shady interests to get into power must be a Soul in dire straits. I began to see that the need to be recognized and influential, to be on as many people's minds as possible and to exert negative influence the lives of as many people as possible were all the behaviors of some terrible desperation. I saw that they had made deals and signed contracts that didn't allow them to back out and let the mantle fall. I saw they were trapped and caged. I began to pity them. Then, at a higher stage of awareness, I began to feel some twinges of real compassion for them. Later I felt genuine desire to help them out of the mire they were entangled in. At that point, I had passed the point of feeling pity, which is a state marred by the bitterness of feigned superiority. I could feel genuine Compassion for them. When I was able to do that, I realized something wonderful had happened – I was no longer living in reactive mode to them, as I had been for decades as a rebel. I was in fully proactive mode. I was not responding to their behavior. I was in full control of my mind and my emotions and interpreting their behavior in a state of free will, using my highest faculties. They were no longer my rulers. They were my wards and it was my duty to heal them. I understood that the captive relationship between what appears to be ruler and ruled is revealed at a higher level of moral awareness as our moral obligation to help Souls who are in desperate straits.

רחמים מהפכניים

המהפכה תבוא אך ורק מרחמנות. האמינו לי, אחיי. הייתי מהפכנית כל חיי, ולמדתי מכל הטירחה דבר אחד: הנשמות המוכרחות לגנוב, להתרומם על אחיהן, להתאכזר, ולדרוש ל"צומי" מכל עובר ושב הן הנשמות הכי מסכנות עלי אדמות. התנהגות כזאת בפרהסיה היא הסימן הכי ברור לנשמה במצוקה איומה. הם נראים חזקים ובעלי השפעה. אבל הם באימה והיסטריה. זה קל מאד להרגיש רחמנות ורחמים לגבי אנשים שאנו מעריכים כיותר חלשים מאתנו. זה אלהי להיות מסוגל לרחם על אלה הנראים לנו יותר עשירים וחזקים ובעלי יותר כח. ורק כשאנו מתעלים אל המבט האלהי אנו רואים את המצב נכונה ומבינים כי היציאה מהעבדות היחידה היא להבין כי המבקשים למשול בנו הם מתחננים לנו לרחמים - ולרחם עליהם כיאות. הנשמות הדורשות תשומת לב (קרי פרסום) הן הנשמות הכי פוחדות מלהמחק מזכרון האנושות ולאבד כל קיום. למה ומדוע עלינו לעזור להם ולרחם עליהם? כי השקט והשלווה של כלנו תלויות בהן שלכולם. אף אחד לא יכול להיות שליו כל עוד אחד מאתנו במצוקה.
לרחם על רשע אינו אומר להתעלם ממעשיו הנוראים או לתרץ אותם או לסלוח להם בלי שיקום. לרחם על רשע אומר להיות מסוגל לאומר לו: אנו מבינים כי אתה בכאבי תופת ולכן אתה לא מסוגל לאהוב או להתיחד עם עמך או לרגשות של כאבי הזולת. נעזור לך להשתקם. מנקודה זאת נהיה מסוגלים להחזיר את הרשע אל הגדול הטבעי שלו ולשבור את חרצובות הרשע שהתעלמותנו ממצוקת הרשעים כובלת אותנו בהן  בו-זמנית.

Friday, February 20, 2015

MEMORIES are Alive

Experiences and Memories are living beings. They are the level of Life of which the Botanical Kingdom is the expression. To be Alive is to exist in a Present, in a Now – in any Present, in any Now, no matter how constrictively or expansively one chooses to define the terms Present and Now. These statements may be counter-intuitive. Directly below this post, I have already posted the Hebrew proofs which bear these statements out as a post called
הזכרון החי

As the level of Life upon which Experiences and Memories exist is the Botanical Kingdom, it is not only permissible to conceive Life  with our closest Family members, as well as with lovers and strangers, it is necessarily the case and absolutely kosher.

Experiences and Memories are seeds which are implanted in our Consciousness and which grow to flowering and fruition in the best possible Season. Until the conditions are most supportive for the flowering of our memories, they remain in a preconscious or subconscious state. When a memory arises in our minds and becomes conscious, it is because something in that Here and Now supports the Life form that memory will take. As the conditions become more and more favorable, the memory will "pop up" in our minds more and more.

It is perfectly acceptable to say: This is not the most favorable time for the flowering and fruition of this Experience. I will allow it to become a Memory, where it will exist as a seedling until such time as the conditions are best. When the Season is right, I will allow that Experiences, which now exists as a Memory, to blossom.

 It is perfectly OK to say: This Memory was conceived as an Experience and I accept it as my Child, but I am too young myself to care for it properly. It is perfectly OK to say: This Experience was conceived in pain that I am not strong enough to handle now. I will allow this Experience to become a Memory until such time as I am strong enough to handle the pain. It is perfectly OK to say: The Experience occurred but I am too indigent experientially and/or emotionally and/or materially to allow for the fullest expression of this Memory. I will store it in the Silo of my Memory until I can care for it.

It is not OK to say: I hate the People with whom this Experience was conceived. I will not allow this Experience to exist within me as a Memory. I will burn it to death with the fury of my anger. I will dissolve it in my acerbic bitterness. I will freeze it to death by depriving it of all warmth. I will kill it with thirst by subject it to the aridity of ignoring it.

Know assuredly that the murder of Memories will express itself on the more pronounced levels of Life as the murder of Living beings that exist in bodies.

It is OK to encapsulate our painful Experiences. Some of the Memories in which they exist have sharp structures that keep them protected. So, they need to be encapsulated and stored safely in our subconscious until such time as We, or even our Descendants, can provide them with maximal conditions for growth. But let us not be cruel with our Memories.


הזכרון החי

חי = 18 = בהוה

חיים = 628 = האדם בהוה
= דרות בהוה = עמך בהוה

זרע = 277 = נזכר = כל זכר
= זכר היה יהיה = כל ברבה
= רז סוד = נהיה אור = אור לבלוב

זורע = 283 = פגר = זמר לו = אומר לו
= זכר היה ויהיה = נזכור = זכרונ

זכרונה = 288 = הזכרונ = הזורע = פרח
= אני ברכה = נוה ברכה

זכרונו = 289 = פטר = העטרה
= ממטר = אפרח
= בני הבכר = בני זכר = בני ברכה
= הרכב הבנה

בזכרונה = 290 = פרי

בזכרונו = 291 = אצר = ארצ

זכרון = 933 = זכר עולם = עולם בכרה
= אם עלה ברכה = זכר אם עלה

זכרונות = 689 = טפם = גופם

זכרונותינו = 755 = טמון = זמן הבא

זכרון חי = 951 = ספר תורה

הזרכון החי = 961 = ספרי תורה

יום הזכרון = 1554 = 555 = הנך

התורה הזכרון = את ההרה ברכה אשתי
את הרה הזכר אשתי = את ההרה עולם הברכה
אשר הילדה = האשר גלוי