Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Jew who wishes to make Peace in America, but not first with Israel, spoke of the entire Earth belonging to all of us.

I answered:

Those are lovely sentiments and lovely words.
But this list of apartheid reservations (you know, reserves, like game preserves for wildlife like Mohawks) in "America" still exists and you are likely standing on an unmarked grave of one of the 100 million Natives who were genocided now.


Peace is made in concentric circles. Peace is made within one's own Tribe, our most proximate Self - and then extends outward. One cannot create global peace until they have done everything they can to make Peace in their own tribe. The Hebrew word for Tribe is equal to the Hebrew word for One Person. Our Tribe is our conglomerate, core Self.

We begin to walk before we enter the Olympics.
If you cannot find it in your Heart to love Israel and devote your life to making Peace within Israel first - I promise you, have no chance of making Peace for other Peoples. First, we must love our own Tribe, because they are Faces that most proximately reflect our own Heart - the beauty and the ugliness, the Peace and the pain in our own Heart.

First we make Peace on our Land - because our Land is the dust and blood of our Ancestors. First, we made Peace with our Past - our Land.

Having done that, we can then expand outwards.

America is a hodge-podge of Peoples who did not make Peace with their own Peoples and fled, or were driven out but do not go back from a position of greater strength. It is a patchwork of those who failed at Peace internationally baste-stitched together. America is a conglomerate of those who did not make Peace proximately. Instead, they stubbornly occupy the Land of others. How will you make peace extensively? How will you made Peace at all?

First we make deep and inter-generational Peace with our Core Self - our own People on our own Land. Having done that, we are invited to extend outwards to other Peoples in Peace and our extension is not unwelcome trespass and violent invasion. First we made deep and inter-generational Peace with our Core Self - our own People on our own Land. Having done that, we are invited to extend outwards to other Peoples in Peace and our extension is not unwelcome trespass, arrogant and obstinate intrusion and violent invasion.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Safed, Israel