Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Ultra-"Orthodox" Jewish World is Screaming for Help

Ultra-"Orthodox" Jews deserve Compassion too.
They are morally crippled and handicapped - and addicted to poison and they think they're just fine. They think that the reason for all their troubles is that they are more holy than everyone else.
They need HELP. They are screaming and crying for HELP.
As they are vilified more and more by both the secular Jews who reject them and by the Gentile world - their calls for help become more and more desperate. The "customs" they invent and heap upon themselves become more bizarre. Their interpretation of Torah veers ever further from the mark.

Israeli police stop wedding of 14-year-old girl moments before ceremony and arrest father of the bride
עלינו להבין כי כל הסבל של לורי שם טוב בבית הכלא הוא בנוסף להפרדה מילדיה ע"י המדינה משום מה

Monday, August 21, 2017

Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

Now *he* is a Jew after my own Heart.


Dr. Steve Pieczenik, US intelligence Psychiatrist, relays vital-to-know information about the Jews in Hitler's army.
Might that be why so many Jews in the "Israeli" gov't are so testy about the word Nazi that they had the use of the term outlawed?

Thursday, August 17, 2017


These conditions are not fit for murderers. Lori Shem Tov is not a murderer. She is a Mother whose Children were taken from her by the state and given, full custody, to her ex, a drug addict and drug dealer whom Lori divorced to protect her Children. Lori protested the kidnapping of her Children with all her might. She protested and protested some more and in her blogs she revealed the corruption in Social Services and the blind eye to the corruption of the Courts. She "insulted" them - and has been in prison for 90 days - pre-trial.

Lori was accused of reporting to her lawyer that a pregnant woman was hit with pepper spray intended for another prisoner. The other prisoner's fetus died (7th month) and they refused to take her for an abortion, telling her that she could wait.The story got into the news and, rightfully, sickened the country.Lori was accused of telling her lawyer about this and they put her in solitary. Lori Shem Tov is one of the most extreme examples of Jews being punished for being moral Jews by the gov't of the state that presumes to call itself Israel - but certainly not the only one. It's the norm here.

נווה תרצה: תנאים תת אנושיים בבידוד והפרדה

Thursday, August 10, 2017


הויה אלהים שופט = 1067 = 68
 כל חי = בניו =


אלהים שופט = 1041 = 42 = לבי
 בלהה = יוכבד =


  יהושפט = 410 = ת"י = ית
 שופט באהבה = קדוש = דרור =

על כל סטודנט למשפטים לאמץ לו  דמות מבין שופטי ישראל ולאמר בלבו: עד כמה שאוכל אדמה לו
!ככתוב: חזק ואמץ


השופט = 400 = הנשמה
השופט הוא הנשמה של העם. על השופטים לדעת זאת ולזכור זאת תמיד שיראת השמים תהיה עליהם


השופט = 400 = הנשמה
השופט הוא הנשמה של העם. על השופטים לדעת זאת ולזכור זאת תמיד שיראת השמים תהיה עליהם


השופט = פה ושט 
שופט הוא פה וושט האלהים  
!על השופטים לזכור זאת תמיד


יהושע בן נון, עתניאל בן קנז, שמשון בן מנוח, דבורה הנביאה - אלה שופטינו לעד ועל כל שופט להדמות להם

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

אוי לחברה בה יש אפילו נאשם אחד יותר צדיק ומוסרי משופט יחיד

זכות יסודית של כל נאשם היא להשפט ע"י 
הגדולים ממנו מוסרית

It is a basic Human right of any Accused to be tried by their moral superiors.

No one should ever be both the Accused and the most moral person in a Court.

על כל שופט בישראל להיות אמיץ כיהושע בן נון וכדבורה הנביאה. על שופט להיות לוחם צדק ללא חת או מורא

על שופטי מדינת ישראל לאמץ את דמות כבוד השופט לואיס ברנדייס כמופת עבורם

מי החליט כי די בכך כי שופט פקח? על שופט להיות ענק מוסרי. ענק מוסרי בהכרח גם פקח - אבל לא ההפך

לא די בכך כי שופט בקיא בחקי המדינה. שופט חייב להיות גאון מוסרי ולוחם מיומן למען הצדק

על מוריהם לצרוף ולרקע את אופי השמפטנים עד שהם חזקים כברזל, בל יושחתו כזהב

To be a Judge in Israel one must be a fearless and brave Warrior for Justice like Yehoshua bin Nun and Devorah.

Evil is often the impact of the morally ordinary vested with extraordinary power.

A Judge's character must be smelted and tempered and found to be as strong as wrought iron, as incorruptible as gold.
A judge cannot be made of flimsy fiber. 
A Judge must be trained, tested and found true to withstand the rigor of Moral War.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017



Thank God, we were successful. I have, with HaShem's help, written the basic understandings, and proofs, of what we have accomplished on my Facebook page in Hebrew.
The combined and coordinated efforts of all of those who donated to the building of a World of Joy and Peace, of Security and Opportunity, of Health and Abundance, of all Good wherein Love may be fully expressed and grow infinitely have culminated.

All of the time frames in which all of these efforts were, are, and will be invested have converged into One Day which is never ending Shabbaton and Jubilee.

We will not see a stone building arising out of nowhere or dropping from the Heavens.

We will see a Confluence of Time that is Shabbat Shabbaton and Jubilee never-ending.

We are going to observe marked and impressive changes in the behavior of the astronomical bodies and we will see their orbits align correctly. We are already observing this. The changes will grow ever more astounding.

We are going to see Heaven and Earth mirroring one another and we will see Time frames mirroring one another and we will see the fulfillment of efforts that were not completed in their times completed in others.

We will see marked changed in the behavior of matter on Earth. Matter itself will become expressions of the greatest Wisdom and it will not allow itself to be used as a platform or instrument of evil.

We will see these changes gradually, but not too gradually to go unnoticed or to seem ordinary. They are already fully in place, but we will perceive and understand them gradually in order to be able to fully comprehend what we are seeing and savor the Sights, Sound, Flavors, Scents and Feelings of the Wisdom and be fully satisfied in every time by the Wisdom.

We won. We have proven ourselves worthy of the Good and receiving the Good. Let us Bless and thank God for the endless abundance of the Creation, all that is therein – and Enjoy to satiation forever.

Sunday, August 6, 2017


When, in the course of my being cross-examined in court on August 3, 2017, for the high crime and unforgivable misdemeanor of insulting a Social Worker, a crime for which the State of Israel is convinced one should serve time in jail (Wait until you see what that "crime" actually entails. You'll get a bang out of reading it if you either enjoy sick humor or are outraged by Human Rights abuses) ; I was describing the process of Children being taken in the night by Social Workers with Police Officers in force, I said that that is, in itself, more than enough of a trauma for Children to undergo; without having to suffer the pain of additional cruelty on the part of some Social Workers for their personal dubious pleasure

I said trauma. The court heard drama.

Is the level of empathy of the court eminently clear?

Israeli State Prosecutor Assures Court:

In the course of the proceedings against me, the Prosecutor assured the court that the special cyber unit that works within the Office of the Israeli State Prosecutor was working tirelessly to "clean up the internet" of publication that expose corruption in the Israeli System, including that of Social Services, which has been reported to regularly engage in Child Trafficking not only by victims of the trafficking but by personages no less that the Most Honorable (Retired) Judge Chana ben Ami, who was a District Court Judge in Jerusalem before founding the Family Court and by Yosef Silman, former Head of the Office of Social Affairs and Social Services in Israel.

In her summation statement, the Prosecution mentioned most pointedly that the Israeli State Prosecutor's Office are deeply troubled by Reports of Corruption and Abuse in Israel issuing from sources outside of the country and outside of their current legal reach – but they are working hard at solving that problem.


How did that make you feel?

How do you imagine it made my defense Attorney feel in court when this was said to her by the judge when my lawyer tried to object to both the Prosecution and the Judge working in tandem to get me to trip over my tongue?

My lawyer asked, and rightfully so: If I'm expected to just sit here and be quiet, what am I doing here?

Upon being told to sit down and be quiet, my lawyer exited the courtroom and came back a few minutes later with another, I think higher up, Attorney from the Public Defender's Office who sat and observed the proceedings for awhile.

Most (I do not know the exact percentages, but it is the overwhelming majority) of the Judges in Israel were promoted from the ranks of the State Prosecution.

A notable, and refreshing, exception is the most Honorable Supreme Court Justice Neal Hendel, who was served as a Public Defender in Brooklyn. But he's a rare, and most precious, bird; I assure you.

The Judge hearing my case was first a litigator for the Police. Subsequently, advancing in her career; she became Head of the Prosecutor's Office in the northern district.  Once a Prosecutor always a Prosecutor. It's a mind and, more importantly, an emotional set that has been carefully crafted by the System and is only overcome by the most adroit both mentally and emotionally.

Friday, August 4, 2017

אסירה בכלא נווה תרצה הפילה עובר בגלל גז מדמיע שספגה


אסירה בכלא נווה תרצה הפילה עובר בגלל גז מדמיע שספגה


בית סוהר נווה תרצה: חשש להתנהלות פושעת נגד אסירות


Lori Shem Tov, the Mother and Activist, whose Children were given into the sole custody of her drug-addicted, drug-dealing ex from whom she tried to protect them - thus thrusting her onto the stage of Activism is now in solitary confinement in jail and no longer allowed contact.
Prison guards believe that it was Lori Shem Tov who "leaked" that a woman 7 months pregnant was attacked by tear gas in the notorious Neveh Tirza prison. The woman's baby died and she was not taken for an abortion. The authorities say there is no medical reason to perform the abortion immediately. So what if the woman walks around with a dead baby inside her for a couple of days.
The story got to the news. Lori Shem Tov is accused of telling her lawyer what happened. So, she is now in isolation and without contact.
Lori Shem Tov is being held, pre-trial, for the high crime of exposing social services and judicial corruption. They feel insulted. So, Lori is in solitary. If Lori is in solitary they can go on thinking that they are adjudicating reasonably, honestly and fairly. They plan to shut us all up. That way their consciences will be clear when they traffic Children. They want to work efficiently, without the distraction of morality and want to have peace of mind doing it.

The toughest conditions in prison are in the one *Women's* prison in Israel - Neveh Tirza. The jail is not fit for Human habitation. All of the ~200 women in prison are held there - no matter what their crime.
There are no provisions for handicapped prisons. It is reported that one of the handicapped inmates has to crawl down the steps.