Tuesday, August 8, 2017



Thank God, we were successful. I have, with HaShem's help, written the basic understandings, and proofs, of what we have accomplished on my Facebook page in Hebrew.
The combined and coordinated efforts of all of those who donated to the building of a World of Joy and Peace, of Security and Opportunity, of Health and Abundance, of all Good wherein Love may be fully expressed and grow infinitely have culminated.

All of the time frames in which all of these efforts were, are, and will be invested have converged into One Day which is never ending Shabbaton and Jubilee.

We will not see a stone building arising out of nowhere or dropping from the Heavens.

We will see a Confluence of Time that is Shabbat Shabbaton and Jubilee never-ending.

We are going to observe marked and impressive changes in the behavior of the astronomical bodies and we will see their orbits align correctly. We are already observing this. The changes will grow ever more astounding.

We are going to see Heaven and Earth mirroring one another and we will see Time frames mirroring one another and we will see the fulfillment of efforts that were not completed in their times completed in others.

We will see marked changed in the behavior of matter on Earth. Matter itself will become expressions of the greatest Wisdom and it will not allow itself to be used as a platform or instrument of evil.

We will see these changes gradually, but not too gradually to go unnoticed or to seem ordinary. They are already fully in place, but we will perceive and understand them gradually in order to be able to fully comprehend what we are seeing and savor the Sights, Sound, Flavors, Scents and Feelings of the Wisdom and be fully satisfied in every time by the Wisdom.

We won. We have proven ourselves worthy of the Good and receiving the Good. Let us Bless and thank God for the endless abundance of the Creation, all that is therein – and Enjoy to satiation forever.