Friday, January 15, 2016

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

We harvest and we eat and are built of our Actions, our Deeds. The Body through which the deeds are carried out bears the effects of those actions built into it. Our Body is that which broadcasts into the creation who we are, what we have done and the Body is that which attracts to us the apparati and conditions that we need for correction for any misdeeds we might have done as well as the happy happenstances that are likewise the results of the positive actions we performed.
There are seeds in fruit and they, in turn, bear fruit and so the results of our actions go on for generation after generation – and we go on along with them.
There is no rest for us until all of the fruits of all of our Actions and our Deeds have become ripe and drip with sweet juice and nectar and are pleasurable to all who taste them. Only then can we rest serenely under our own vine. So long as the fruits of our actions are bearing fruit that are not ripe, there is no rest for us. We work at a maddening pace to harvest the fruits of our deeds. If the fruit are beautiful, the harvest is a dance of giddy celebration. If they are bitter and misshapen, the harvest is drudgery and even painful.
When we become aware of this Truth, we become dedicated to planting only good fruit. We all have to come to the point where we say: Enough! Let there be an end to suffering!
The Redemption does not come to all of us at once at the same time. The Redemption is a personal experience of knowing the end of the negative effects of any negative actions our Soul directed and was carried out by our Body has arrived. In the End of Days there will be a general Redemption of all Deeds. But each of us must first come to their own Redemption of their Deeds, their Body and their Soul.
It is essential that we surrender the vain hope of revenge upon those who have harmed us if we are to know Peace. So long as someone suffers as a result of our actions, even if their suffering seems to be justified punishment, we have no peace.
This is a prayer that Jews say every night, before we go to sleep and give our Souls back to God:

I hereby forgive all who have hurt me, all who have done me wrong, deliberately or by accident, whether by word or by deed. May no one be punished on my account. As I forgive and pardon fully those who have done me wrong, may those whom I have harmed forgive and pardon me, whether I acted deliberately or by accident, whether by word or deed. Wipe away my sins, O Lord, with your great mercy. May I not repeat the wrongs I have committed. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, my Rock and my Redeemer.

The secret to being able to see this clearly is making the switch from seeing the world as containing living beings to seeing the world and everything in it as alive. When we understand that our Deeds are organic beings, we understand that they generate and go on for generations.

Compassion is of the essence. The Hebrew word for Hebrew is Ivrith (I birth). It means, quite literally, the language of embryos. The Hebrew word for Compassion is Rachamim, which is the exact same letters as the word Rechamim - which means wombs. In the womb is where the greatest and most profound growth occurs from one cell. When we forgive, we quite literally return the person we forgive to the original cell from which they generated in our mind and build them anew in our mind. This has profound effects on their Being in toto.