I'm transitioning from understanding the term: describing
reality as meaning that there is a reality "out there" that I need to
apprehend (bring into the custody of my consciousness in order to have it under
my control) to understanding that describing reality in a much more literal
expression. It means, quite literally, to describe reality.
I'm learning that abstract thought is not a sign of great
intelligence, as we have been taught to believe, but a state of dissociation
from the Ground that makes us create an unreal, abstract world.
Abstract thought and using terms abstractly is precisely what
creates a world that "floats" as the Japanese say.
I'm learning to describe my reality and to be very, very
concrete and proactive about it.
That means that I am learning not to think that there is
ephemeral good "out there" but rather commanding the Creation to
produce concrete, obdurate, perpetual good.
As I get better at doing this, I see that everywhere I cast
my eyes there is strong, solid, robust good.