Saturday, February 13, 2016

Spelling Lesson

All thoughts are directives to the Creation. Describing reality does not mean describing a pre-existing reality. The expression describing reality should be taken very literally. We describe the form reality will take on with every thought, every expectation, every emotion, every reaction and with every action.
This is not only true for shaping the present and future. It is true of the past as well. If we make pronouncements about how the past was and they are accepted as true, they are true until they are over-written by a higher pronouncement.
If we take a dim view of anything and pronounce dim, unhappy ideas, we have put it into play. That is the real meaning of putting "spells" on people. They will surely take the shape of our reality.
Of course, it is true that the deeper and purer the thought, emotion and action the more effect it will have and one powerful Soul coming from the depths of the Heart can over-write many negative directives because those who view things dimly have dim consciousness and the effects of their pronunciations are on the surface of reality.
However, it is not to be taken lightly when many people are expressing dim views without much hope. The negative, unhappy pronouncements of many people can make for a very choppy surface of realty. Most people are in the shallows. So, the turbulence of negativity affects them on all the levels of which they are aware.